Coaching Services

Five in Five Coaching

Five one hour writing coaching sessions via video conference.

After an initial conference to determine your needs and so that we can get to know each other, we begin your creative journey! This consists of five individual one on one meetings to work on your project, create next steps, and help guide your progress.

We will create a roadmap and set goals that you will achieve by the end of our sessions. This will consist of next step tasks and creative tasks that you will be responsible for accomplishing between meet ups.

With my guidance and your hard work and commitment, you will hone your writing abilities and take your dreams to the next level!


What should I expect to get from coaching?

Progression in your creative project! No matter what stage of your written work you are at, I can help you move forward! Just brainstorming? We will get your ideas on paper and set you forward to begin outlines and rough drafts. Halfway through your work with writer’s block? I will help you bust through and carry on! Finished and looking to send out query letters and maybe seek an agent? I can help you with the necessary writing there as well!

How much remote face to face time?

Including your initial consultation, we will meet a total of six different times in remote one on one meetings. Each meeting will last around one hour.

How long does the service last?

Including your initial consultation meeting, we will meet a total of six times over the course of 5-6 weeks.

What is the payment process like?

Payment is expected via PayPal before each session begins. If sessions are paid for individually, it costs $99 a session. If all five sessions are paid for at the same time, your total coaching cost for the entire package is a reduced $425.

How do I begin?

You can reach out directly via email! I would love to hear more about you and your project! Give me some details and we will arrange a free consultation meeting. After that, we will figure out the best way to move forward. I am excited to work with you!